Copper Blonde Hair Trend 2024 – See more than 90 models and shades of copper blonde hair

O Loiro Acobreado inspirada no "strawberry blonde", é versátil e se adapta a diferentes tons de pele e tipos de cabelo.

Os tons de cabelo loiro sempre fazem sucesso entre mulheres de todas as idades. No entanto, uma tendência que nunca sai de moda são as tonalidades mais fechadas de loiro, como o loiro acobreado.

Em 2024, essa cor promete continuar no topo das preferências, refletindo um visual moderno e cheio de personalidade.

Blonde Hair 2024

Blonde Hair Trend 2024

Blonde Hair Trend 2024

What blonde is in fashion? Discover how to choose the ideal shade of blonde.

Como Conquistar a Cor Loiro Acobreado perfeita?

O loiro acobreado se destaca por misturar o vermelho e o cobre, criando fios com reflexos acobreados e dourados. Essa tonalidade harmoniza nuances quentes e frias, resultando em uma cor moderna e sofisticada. Para alcançar o loiro acobreado ideal, aqui vão algumas dicas essenciais:

  • Conheça seu cabelo: Entenda as características e cores base do seu cabelo antes de qualquer procedimento. Isso ajuda a garantir um resultado mais próximo do desejado.
  • Procure um profissional: Realize o procedimento com um especialista em coloração para evitar danos e garantir um acabamento perfeito.
  • Escolha a tonalidade certa: O loiro acobreado tem várias nuances. Identifique a que melhor se adapta ao seu tom de pele e estilo pessoal.

Quais são as cores bases do Loiro Acobreado

O loiro acobreado, inspirado na cor de cabelo “strawberry blonde”, combina tons de vermelho e loiro de forma natural, criando uma cor vibrante e moderna. Para alcançar essa tonalidade, é essencial entender as bases do seu cabelo.

Cabelos que já são loiros, com numerações de 6 a 10, conseguem chegar ao loiro acobreado sem precisar de descoloração intensa. Já os castanhos claros, com base 5, podem necessitar de um leve processo de descoloração para atingir a nuance desejada.

Por outro lado, cabelos castanhos escuros e pretos, que variam entre 1 e 4, exigem uma descoloração mais agressiva para chegar ao tom loiro acobreado. Compreender essas nuances é crucial para alcançar o resultado perfeito e minimizar danos aos fios.

Quais Tons de Loiro Acobreado existem?

O loiro acobreado é uma cor versátil que pode ser adaptada para diferentes tons de pele e tipos de cabelo. Aqui estão algumas das variações mais populares dessa tonalidade, cada uma trazendo um efeito único e marcante.

TonalidadeDescriptionIdeal for
Loiro Escuro AcobreadoPerfeito para quem busca um tom mais discreto e clássico.Quem prefere uma cor menos vibrante e chamativa.
Loiro Dourado AcobreadoAdiciona brilho e luz ao visual, criando um efeito mais iluminado.Quem deseja um visual mais radiante e iluminado.
Loiro Mel AcobreadoOferece uma cor ousada e moderna, ideal para quem quer se destacar.Quem procura uma cor ousada e vibrante.
Loiro Acobreado ClaroA variação mais próxima do loiro tradicional, muito pedida nos salões.Quem quer uma cor semelhante ao loiro clássico.
Loiro Acobreado AlaranjadoSemelhante ao ruivo laranjinha, traz um look moderno e vivo.Quem deseja um visual moderno com um toque vibrante.
Tons de Loiro Acobreado

Cada uma dessas tonalidades pode ser ajustada para se adequar melhor ao tom de pele e à textura do cabelo, garantindo que o loiro acobreado seja uma escolha democrática e estilosa para qualquer mulher. Seja você dona de cachos, ondas ou fios lisos, há um tom de loiro acobreado perfeito para você.

Cuidados Pré e Pós-Coloração e Manutenção do Cabelo Loiro Acobreado

Manter um cabelo loiro acobreado bonito e saudável requer cuidados especiais tanto antes quanto depois da coloração. Antes de mudar a cor dos fios, é essencial preparar o cabelo com uma rotina de hidratação, nutrição e reconstrução.

Esse cuidado prévio garante que os fios estejam fortes e maleáveis para suportar o procedimento químico. Durante semanas antes da coloração, siga um cronograma capilar rigoroso para otimizar a saúde dos cabelos.

Além disso, é fundamental consultar um profissional qualificado para escolher a tonalidade que mais combina com a cor da sua pele, tipo de cabelo e estilo pessoal. Realizar um teste de mecha também é crucial para confirmar se os fios estão aptos a receber a tinta loiro acobreado sem danos severos.

Após o procedimento, a manutenção do cabelo loiro acobreado exige atenção constante. É necessário usar produtos específicos para cabelos coloridos, como shampoos e condicionadores que protejam contra o desbotamento.

Evitar água quente durante os banhos também é importante, pois ela pode ressecar os fios e desbotar a cor mais rapidamente.

A proteção contra raios UV e o uso de protetores térmicos ao utilizar ferramentas de calor são essenciais para manter a cor vibrante e evitar danos. Além disso, a matização dos fios a cada 15 dias pode ajudar a evitar manchas e manter o tom desejado por mais tempo.

Retoques frequentes são inevitáveis para quem tem loiro acobreado, especialmente porque o crescimento da raiz revela rapidamente a cor natural dos fios. No entanto, alguns cuidados podem prolongar o tempo entre os retoques.

Usar tonalizantes pode ser uma boa opção para manter a cor viva sem precisar de retoques constantes. Além disso, tratamentos de hidratação e reconstrução contínuos são vitais para recuperar os nutrientes perdidos durante a descoloração e coloração, evitando que os fios fiquem quebradiços, ressecados e com pontas duplas.

Seguindo esses cuidados, é possível manter o cabelo loiro acobreado sempre lindo e saudável, valorizando seu visual de maneira duradoura.

Quais os cabelos loiros acobreados são tendência em 2024?

You cabelos loiros acobreados que estão na moda em 2024 are:

  • Long Copper Blonde Hair
  • Medium Copper Blonde Hair
  • Short Copper Blonde Hair
  • Copper Blonde Curly Hair
  • Straight Copper Blonde Hair
  • Braided Copper Blonde Hair
  • Curly Copper Blonde Hair
  • Wavy Copper Blonde Hair

Long Copper Blonde Hair

Long length copper blonde hair is a glamorous and elegant option for those looking for a sophisticated look. The vibrant tone and the mixture of blonde with reddish nuances provide a unique color that draws attention.

Long Copper Blonde Hair
Long Copper Blonde Hair

To maintain the beauty and health of long strands, it is important to invest in specific care for dyed hair. Using quality products, regular moisturizing and avoiding the excessive use of heat tools are some of the measures that can guarantee the durability of the color and the health of the threads.

Long Copper Blonde Hair
Long Copper Blonde Hair

Medium Copper Blonde Hair

Medium-length copper blonde hair is a versatile and modern option for anyone looking for a laid-back, personality-filled look. The vibrant shade combines perfectly with different cuts, from the most casual to the most sophisticated.

Medium Copper Blonde Hair
Medium Copper Blonde Hair

To maintain the beauty and health of medium-length strands, it is important to invest in specific care for dyed hair. Using quality products, regular moisturizing and avoiding the excessive use of heat tools are some of the measures that can guarantee the durability of the color and the health of the threads.

Medium Copper Blonde Hair
Medium Copper Blonde Hair

Short Copper Blonde Hair

Short copper blonde hair is a modern and bold option for those looking for a striking look full of personality. The vibrant shade and the mixture of blonde with reddish nuances provide a unique and attention-grabbing result.

Short Copper Blonde Hair
Short Copper Blonde Hair

To maintain the beauty and health of short length strands, it is important to invest in specific care for dyed hair. Using quality products, regular moisturizing and avoiding the excessive use of heat tools are some of the measures that can guarantee the durability of the color and the health of the threads.

Short Copper Blonde Hair
Short Copper Blonde Hair

Copper Blonde Curly Hair

Copper blonde hair in curls is a stunning option full of personality. The vibrant shade and the mixture of blonde with reddish nuances provide a unique and attention-grabbing result.

Copper Blonde Curly Hair
Copper Blonde Curly Hair

To maintain the beauty and health of curly strands, it is important to invest in specific care for dyed hair. Using quality products, regular moisturizing and avoiding the excessive use of heat tools are some of the measures that can guarantee the durability of the color and the health of the threads.

Copper Blonde Curly Hair
Copper Blonde Curly Hair

Straight Copper Blonde Hair

Copper blonde hair in straight strands is a classic and sophisticated option for those looking for an elegant and refined look. The vibrant hue and the mix of blonde with reddish nuances provide a unique and attention-grabbing color.

Straight Copper Blonde Hair
Straight Copper Blonde Hair

To maintain the beauty and health of straight strands, it is important to invest in specific care for dyed hair. Using quality products, regular moisturizing and avoiding the excessive use of heat tools are some of the measures that can guarantee the durability of the color and the health of the threads.

Straight Copper Blonde Hair
Straight Copper Blonde Hair

Braided Copper Blonde Hair

Copper blonde hair in braids is a stunning option full of character. The vibrant shade and the mixture of blonde with reddish nuances provide a unique and attention-grabbing result.

Braided Copper Blonde Hair
Braided Copper Blonde Hair

To maintain the beauty and health of braided strands, it is important to invest in specific care for dyed hair. Using quality products, regular moisturizing and avoiding the excessive use of heat tools are some of the measures that can guarantee the durability of the color and the health of the threads.

Braided Copper Blonde Hair
Braided Copper Blonde Hair

Curly Copper Blonde Hair

Copper blonde hair in curly strands is a striking option full of personality. The vibrant shade and the mixture of blonde with reddish nuances provide a unique and attention-grabbing result.

Curly Copper Blonde Hair
Curly Copper Blonde Hair

To maintain the beauty and health of curly strands, it is important to invest in specific care for dyed hair. Using quality products, regular moisturizing and avoiding the excessive use of heat tools are some of the measures that can guarantee the durability of the color and the health of the threads.

Curly Copper Blonde Hair
Curly Copper Blonde Hair

Wavy Copper Blonde Hair

Copper blonde hair in wavy strands is a romantic and charming option. The vibrant shade and the mixture of blonde with reddish nuances provide a unique and attention-grabbing result.

Wavy Copper Blonde Hair
Wavy Copper Blonde Hair

To maintain the beauty and health of wavy strands, it is important to invest in specific care for dyed hair. Using quality products, regular moisturizing and avoiding the excessive use of heat tools are some of the measures that can guarantee the durability of the color and the health of the threads.

Wavy Copper Blonde Hair
Wavy Copper Blonde Hair

What face shapes go best with auburn hair?

When it comes to choosing the ideal hair color and haircut, it's important to consider your face shape, as each face has unique features that can be enhanced or disguised with the right choice. In the case of copper blonde hair, there are some tips for finding the perfect look according to your face shape.

What face shapes go best with auburn hair?
What face shapes go best with auburn hair?

For round faces, copper blonde hair can be a great option, as the reddish undertones help create an elongated effect on the face. Longer cuts, such as layered long hair, are good for softening facial lines and creating a contouring effect.

As for square faces, copper blonde hair can be an interesting choice, as long as it is accompanied by a cut with more rounded and smoother lines. Chin-length cuts with side bangs help soften the most striking features of the face.

What face shapes go best with auburn hair?
What face shapes go best with auburn hair?

For oval faces, almost any haircut goes well with auburn hair, as this face shape is considered the most versatile. Layered cuts and side-swept bangs can help enhance the natural beauty of an oval face.

Finally, for heart-shaped faces, copper blonde hair can be an interesting choice, as long as it is accompanied by a cut that emphasizes the chin and forehead. Layered cuts and longer bangs are indicated to smooth the lines of the face and create a harmonic and balanced look.

What face shapes go best with auburn hair?
What face shapes go best with auburn hair?

What skin tones go best with auburn blonde hair?

Just like your face shape, skin tone is also an important factor to consider when choosing the ideal copper blonde hair. The right hue can enhance natural beauty and create a harmonious and balanced look.

What skin tones go best with auburn blonde hair?
What skin tones go best with auburn blonde hair?

In the table below, we list the skin tones that best match copper blonde hair:

Skin toneDescription
Light and pink skinThe lighter shades of copper blonde, such as strawberry blonde, are indicated for light and pink skin, as they create a smooth and natural contrast.
Medium and yellow skinThe more intense shades of copper blonde, such as copper, are recommended for medium and yellow skin tones, as they create a more striking contrast and enhance the complexion.
dark and warm skinThe darkest shades of copper blonde, such as auburn, are recommended for dark and warm skin, as they create a smooth contrast and value the features of the face.
skin tones go best with auburn hair?

It is important to remember that these are only suggestions and that the final choice must take into account the personal taste and personality of each person. In addition, it is always recommended to look for a professional who specializes in hair coloring to obtain a quality result and preserve the health of the strands.

What skin tones go best with auburn blonde hair?
What skin tones go best with auburn blonde hair?

What's the best Shampoo and Conditioner for copper blonde hair?

Finding the right products to take care of your copper blonde hair can be a challenge, especially when it comes to shampoo and conditioner. It is important to choose a product that helps keep the color vibrant and healthy, in addition to providing hydration and nutrition to the hair.

Truss Blond Shampoo and Conditioner Kit 300ml

Shampoo, Conditioner, Reconstructor and Truss Blond Mask

Truss Blond Shampoo and Conditioner Kit 300ml

The Truss Blond Shampoo and Conditioner Kit 300ml is the complete solution for caring for blonde, gray and bleached hair.

Product sold by Amazon with discount.

O Kit Shampoo e Condicionador Truss Blond é a escolha ideal para quem busca manter o cabelo loiro acobreado saudável e com brilho intenso. Com uma fórmula rica em pigmentos violeta, o kit neutraliza os tons alaranjados que podem surgir devido à oxidação causada por diversos fatores do dia a dia.

In addition, the technology present in the composition treats the hair fiber from the inside out, promoting hydration, elasticity, resistance and natural flexibility of the threads. This results in hair that is softer, shinier and protected against color loss.

Indicated for blonde, discolored or gray hair, the Truss Blond Shampoo and Conditioner Kit is the right choice for those who want to keep the color and health of the hair up to date.

It is important to remember that, in addition to using the right shampoo and conditioner, it is essential to maintain a complete hair care routine, which includes hydration, nutrition and protection of the hair. That way, you can ensure healthy and stunning copper blonde hair.

Try it and feel the difference in your hair! And don't forget to check out other tips and products on our blog to keep your hair always healthy and beautiful.

You will change your look with Copper Blonde Hair

Having copper blonde hair can bring many benefits to a woman's self-esteem and appearance. In addition to being a color that is always in trend, it is versatile and matches different styles and face shapes. It's a great option for those who want to change their look without having to make a radical transformation. Also, coppery blonde hair can be kept healthy and shiny with the right shampoo, conditioner and hydration care.

You will change your look with Copper Blonde Hair
You will change your look with Copper Blonde Hair

If you are thinking about adopting this color in your hair, be sure to consult a professional who specializes in coloring. It's important to choose the right shade for your skin type and face shape, and also to ensure that the bleaching process is done safely and with quality products.

You will change your look with Copper Blonde Hair
You will change your look with Copper Blonde Hair

Keep following our blog for more tips and trends about hair, makeup and personal care. We're sure you'll love it!

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Article written by Daniela Cordeiro

Fashion enthusiast and style writer. I developed my passion for style and self-expression at an early age. So I decided to share my knowledge on these subjects with a keen eye for the main trends. I decided to unite in the same blog the topics that I love the most: fashion, beauty, recipes, cool places to walk around and eat different things! Welcome to my world, this is dani drops!

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