Classic Blue – Color Trend for 2020. Learn How to Use it in Your Makeup

Blue lovers can now rejoice. Classic Blue is the color of the year for 2020.

This election is made by Pantone, an American color consulting company respected worldwide. Widely consulted by designers, stylists etc.

Classic Blue

When a color is trendy, it is not only applied to clothes as we saw in the photo above, but to all kinds of products, accessories, decoration and  in makeup! 

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Classic Blue 02

And as I know you love it, today we are going to talk about the Classic Blue trend in makeup. 

Classic Blue Trend in Makeup

blue shadow

You can see that many respected bloggers such as Bruna Tavares, Boca Rosa and even the international Kim Kardashian have already started posting makeup in this tone.
But before you start filling your eyes with blue eyeshadow… here's my makeup artist tip!
Blue is beautiful but in Makeup hmmm care must be taken when used as social makeup. Because frankly for something that should be classic getting heavy and corny is pretty easy.

Below I will leave some makeup references that can be used socially, in a more modern work environment, an event, a dinner, etc.

However, I want to make the caveat that if your work environment is very traditional, for example if you are a lawyer, judge, doctor or nurse, I do not consider it appropriate to wear very colorful makeup.

Colors transmit sensations to our brain (more on this later on) a blue eyeshadow judge may not pass the maturity and credibility that her role requires. Now at happy hour it's released

Classic Blue Makeup Inspirations for Social Makeup

Classic Blue Makeup Inspirations

Look how Gorgeous, how elegant Now compare it with the photo of Kim Kardashian that I posted above. Not that Kim's Makeup is ugly, but you can see that here we have a less ballad and more elegant makeup!

You don't need to paint the entire eye blue, a touch of blue is perfect. And it's very important that I warn you about which lipsticks to use with blue eyeshadow! see that in the proposals so far, all are in nude lipsticks.

Kim Kardashian

Viram que lindezas ! Agora vou deixar inspirações um pouco mais ousadas mais ainda super usáveis em uma make social para sair em um ambiente mais descontraído, balada  😉

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And finally Classic Blue Party Makeup Inspirations, and in my opinion, the rule that less is more still applies! Remember it's not carnival it's a party 

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blue shadow 04

See how you can wear the Classic Blue trend in an elegant way!

The best lipstick and eyeshadow combinations to use with the Classic blue eyeshadow as seen in the references above are:

  • Nude, pink, or light salmon lipsticks.
  • Pink, peach, or bronzer blushes.

All very discreet in small quantities. So did you like this trend? would use ?

Kisses and even more 

NOTE - If you found any photos that do not have the appropriate credits, please get in touch so that we can add the necessary credits.

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Article written by Daniela Cordeiro

Fashion enthusiast and style writer. I developed my passion for style and self-expression at an early age. So I decided to share my knowledge on these subjects with a keen eye for the main trends. I decided to unite in the same blog the topics that I love the most: fashion, beauty, recipes, cool places to walk around and eat different things! Welcome to my world, this is dani drops!

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