Hair Braid Models 2024 – See the braid trends that are in fashion

Variando de simples a intrincadas, as tranças adaptam-se a qualquer tipo de cabelo, ocasião ou personalidade, fazendo delas uma escolha versátil para qualquer pessoa.

As tranças de cabelo não são apenas um penteado; são expressões de identidade, moda e cultura que transcendem as fronteiras geográficas e temporais. Em 2024, a diversidade de modelos de tranças captura tanto a tradição quanto a inovação, oferecendo opções para todos os tipos de cabelo e ocasiões.

Tranças são mais do que belas; elas são práticas. Desde a trança nagô, que mantém o cabelo bem preso à cabeça, ideal para quem busca um estilo duradouro e pouco manutenção, até as tranças boxeadoras, perfeitas para atividades físicas, cada estilo serve a um propósito.

Read too: Cabelo com Trança 2024 – Veja mais de 80 modelos de tranças de cabelo e como fazer

Para quem deseja manter os fios arrumados por dias, as box braids e twists são opções que combinam estilo com praticidade, permitindo uma variedade de looks sem necessidade de retoques diários.

A trança é camaleônica. Ela pode se transformar de uma simples trança embutida, elegante e discreta, perfeita para ambientes formais, até uma trança escama de peixe, complexa e artística, ideal para eventos e celebrações.

Modelos como a trança cascata ou a trança coroa oferecem um charme especial, fazendo do cabelo uma verdadeira peça de arte que enquadra o rosto e destaca a maquiagem.

As tranças não só abraçam a diversidade de tipos de cabelo mas também refletem a riqueza cultural de diversas comunidades ao redor do mundo.

As influências africanas, por exemplo, são evidentes nas tranças nagô e nas gypsy braids, que combinam técnica tradicional com toques modernos e acessórios vibrantes. Esses estilos não apenas embelezam mas também protegem os cabelos naturais, ajudando na manutenção da saúde e crescimento dos fios.

Em 2024, a inovação nas tranças é palpável. Experimentos com cores, incorporação de materiais não convencionais como tecidos e fios sintéticos, e combinações inusitadas de estilos criam um campo vasto para personalização e expressão individual.

Tranças com detalhes em miçangas, incorporação de elementos naturais como flores, ou mesmo a adição de fios metalizados são algumas das tendências que estão ganhando popularidade.

As tranças convidam a experimentação e a expressão pessoal, adaptando-se ao gosto e às necessidades de cada um. Com sua habilidade de transformar qualquer look e sua funcionalidade em proteger e manter o cabelo, não é surpresa que continuem a ser uma escolha popular em 2024.

Seja você alguém que busca um estilo simples e prático para o dia a dia ou um visual sofisticado para eventos especiais, há uma trança para cada ocasião, cada humor e cada personalidade.

Esta visão geral reflete como os modelos de tranças de cabelo são mais do que apenas um penteado; são uma forma de arte, um símbolo cultural e uma declaração de moda que continua a evoluir e a inspirar.

Which hair braids are in fashion?

At tranças de cabelo que são tendência em 2024 are:

  • Trança de Sereia
  • Trança de Dragão
  • Trança Waterfall (Cachoeira)
  • Trança de Milkmaid (Leiteira)
  • Dutch hair braid
  • Dutch hair braid
  • bubble braid
  • fishtail hair braid
  • herringbone hair braid
  • boxer hair braid
  • nagô hair braid
  • crown hair braid
  • side hair braid
  • twist hair braid
  • box braid hair
  • mandraka hair braid
  • waterfall hair braid
  • five strand hair braid
  • Rope hair braid
  • goddess braid
  • zigzag hair braid
  • flower braid
  • butterfly braid
  • chain braid
  • spiral braid

Trança de Sereia

Inspirada na mística das profundezas do oceano, a trança de sereia é uma obra de arte capilar. Com sua tecelagem frouxa e fluida, ela cria um efeito volumoso que flui graciosamente, semelhante à cauda de uma sereia. É perfeita para ocasiões especiais onde você deseja adicionar um toque de fantasia e romance ao seu estilo.

Trança de Dragão

Esta trança poderosa é uma declaração de estilo por si só. Tecida ao longo do topo da cabeça, ela se assemelha a uma crista de dragão e é ideal para quem deseja se destacar. A trança de dragão é perfeita para eventos de moda, festivais de música, ou qualquer ocasião onde um look ousado e audacioso seja bem-vindo.

Trança Waterfall (Cachoeira)

Delicada e etérea, a trança waterfall cria um efeito visual encantador, como se água estivesse escorrendo através do cabelo. Mechas soltas caem ao longo da trança, conferindo um ar leve e romântico.

Este estilo é especialmente popular em casamentos e eventos formais, adicionando um toque de sofisticação natural ao penteado.

Trança de Milkmaid (Leiteira)

Clássica e elegante, a trança milkmaid é composta por duas tranças enroladas ao redor da cabeça, criando um look que remete a uma coroa. Este penteado é uma escolha frequente para noivas ou para quem procura um estilo que combine charme rústico com elegância atemporal.

Trança de Cobra: Única e marcante, a trança de cobra é caracterizada por suas torções que imitam o movimento sinuoso de uma cobra. Este estilo exótico é perfeito para quem deseja adicionar um elemento surpresa ao visual, sendo ideal para eventos temáticos ou quando você simplesmente quer experimentar algo totalmente diferente.

Dutch hair braid

The Dutch hair braid is the one that is laid out or the traditional one in the shape of a crown around the head. It provides a super elegant and romantic look, perfect for delicate women.

Dutch hair braid
Dutch hair braid

The completion of these models of braids for hair can be done in a beautiful ponytail or a relaxed and shredded bun, it all depends on personal preferences and occasions to be used.

Dutch hair braid
Dutch hair braid

bubble braid

If you're looking for a unique look that combines style and practicality, bubble braid is the perfect option for you. The bubble braid is more than just a hairstyle; it is an artistic expression of your individual style.

bubble braid
bubble braid

Bubble braids are an elegant and easy-to-do hairstyle that can be worn for any occasion. They are made by braiding the hair in a bubble pattern, which gives the hairstyle a three-dimensional look.

bubble braid
bubble braid

Bubble braids can be done on long or short hair, and can be combined with other hairstyles such as a ponytail, bun or half-up.

fishtail hair braid

The fishtail hair braids models are the ones that look like the movement of fish scales. This hairstyle technique is elegant and sophisticated, perfect for formal looks.

fishtail hair braid
fishtail hair braid

Its dazzling and different appearance is its great differential, and it can be done in several ways, that is, you can do just one central braid or two on the sides of the head, it all depends on your preferences.

fishtail hair braid
fishtail hair braid

herringbone hair braid

The herringbone hair braid is inspired by the central spine of the animal, which has several thin and delicate layers. This braid model can be done in many ways and you should choose the type that best matches your personality. 

herringbone hair braid
herringbone hair braid
herringbone hair braid
herringbone hair braid

boxer hair braid

You boxer hair braids models are those inspired by boxing athletes, who tie the strands during fights and training in two robust braids on the sides of the head, from root to tip.

boxer hair braid
boxer hair braid

This type of braid can be done with just the hair strands or with some extra accessories like colored threads, metal rings and hoops, pendants and much more.

boxer hair braid
boxer hair braid

nagô hair braid

already the nago hair braids models are those of African origin, close to the head, small, delicate and decorated with various accessories such as threads, hoops, rings and pendants.

nagô hair braid
nagô hair braid

They can have different sizes, shapes and patterns, depending on the personal preferences of each woman or man, as it is a unisex braid model.

nagô hair braid
nagô hair braid

crown hair braid

If you enjoy delicate looks, bet on the crown hair braid models, which are a classic among romantic, sophisticated and elegant women. They are made around the head like a crown and can be associated with buns and ponytails.

crown hair braid
crown hair braid
crown hair braid
crown hair braid

side hair braid

The side hair braid can have several formats and its main feature is to be thrown on the side of the head, close to the ear. It can be tight or frayed, the important thing is the fit over the shoulders.

side hair braid
side hair braid

All the braided hair models chosen to hang on the side of the head are perfect, the important thing is to know how to harmonize the hairstyle with the look and the occasion. It is worth remembering that this type of braid can be used at any time, including in everyday life.

side hair braid
side hair braid

twist hair braid

Twist hair braids are the easiest to make as they are made with just two strands of hair twisted together. They can be done all over the hair or just certain areas.

twist hair braid
twist hair braid

This type of braid is more suitable for curly and frizzy hair, as it helps to define the curvature of the strands and provides a stunning and devastating look!

twist hair braid
twist hair braid

box braid hair

For powerful women, invest in Box Braids hair braiding models that are those intertwined with natural or synthetic lines and threads, colored or not. These braids are super versatile and stylish and suit daring and creative people.

box braid hair
box braid hair
box braid hair
box braid hair

mandraka hair braid

At mandraka hair braids are similar to the nagôs, but they appeared on the outskirts of São Paulo. They are thin and close to the scalp, and can be used with colored lines, metallic rings, chains, rings and pendants.

mandraka hair braid
mandraka hair braid
mandraka hair braid
mandraka hair braid

waterfall hair braid

The hair braid called waterfall braid is a classic among modern, delicate and romantic women, as it is a super cute and youthful hairstyle. This beautiful work of art can be done in various types of hair and is named after its main characteristics.

waterfall braid
waterfall braid

This braid wraps around the head at the back and the carefully crafted locks create a magnificent effect that is very much like a waterfall, where the locks fall down the length of the hair with perfection and delicacy.

waterfall braid
waterfall braid

five strand hair braid

If you want a complex hair braid with a surprising effect, you can bet on the five strand braid. This hairstyle is preferably done on long hair, but nothing prevents it from being done in shorter lengths.

five strand braid
five strand braid

This braid model combines beauty with skill, as it takes some techniques and knowledge to achieve this type of hairstyle. The look created is simply charming and different, therefore, it is perfect for women who enjoy stripped and authentic hairstyles.

five strand braid
five strand braid

Rope hair braid

The rope braid, on the other hand, is a different hairstyle that is easy to do, as it combines elegance and simplicity in the same look. In this type of hairstyle, the hair is braided with just two strands twisted together.

rope braid
rope braid

The look created by this braid is amazing, plus it's a super versatile option for anyone who wants a nice hairstyle that's quick to do. All hair types can benefit from the rope braid and it can even be decorated with small accessories.

rope braid
rope braid

goddess braid

Goddess braid is a type of hair braiding also called “Goddess Braids”. They have an important historical relevance, value and empower women in a unique and special way.

goddess braid
goddess braid

One of the most beloved hairstyles of recent times, the Goddess Braids hair braid is done with two different techniques, which when combined provide an elegant and powerful look.

goddess braid
goddess braid

In this hairstyle, the strands are intertwined and at the same time braided. Then untwist the ends to your preferred length so that the length is voluminous and curly. To make the look even more elegant, appliqués are used as well as metallic accessories and colored lines.

zigzag hair braid

For people who are passionate about creative hairstyles, bet on the zigzag hair braid, which combines precise and unique techniques for a stunning look. These braids are done close to the scalp with a zigzag pattern.

zigzag braid
zigzag braid

With this, we can say that the great differential of this type of hair braiding are the zigzag lines across the head, as they go beyond the conventional, which are braids in straight lines.

zigzag braid
zigzag braid

As you might expect, this type of braid requires a lot of manual skill as it uses very precise techniques. Also, this hairstyle can be easily embellished with colorful threads, hoops and metallic pendants.

flower braid

There are many possibilities for making a flower braid and you should choose the model that best matches your personality and style. Just like the flower, this hairstyle is very delicate and guarantees romantic and elegant looks.

flower braid
flower braid

To make this hair braid, you can use several different techniques depending on the end result you want. One of the most practical ways to do it is with a conventional braid.

flower braid
flower braid

After braiding your hair, fluff the strands gently and roll the braid into a curl. Secure with bobby pins and adjust the strands of the braid to form the flower petals.

butterfly braid

The butterfly braid is perfectly shaped so that the strands look like the wings of a butterfly. The techniques used can be different, as long as the end result is delicate, creative and elegant.

butterfly braid
butterfly braid

This type of hairstyle is perfect for various occasions such as graduations, weddings, birthdays, day-to-day walks and even work days. In addition to being a super versatile hair braid, it provides a neat and classic look.

butterfly braid
butterfly braid

chain braid

If you are the type of woman who enjoys a different and bold hair braid, you can bet on the chain braid, which is an innovative and very beautiful hairstyle. This hairstyle creates a wonderful effect that brings together the skill and texture of the strands.

chain braid
chain braid

Because it resembles the links of a chain, this braid is perfect to be associated with the waterfall braid, for example, ensuring an elegant and sophisticated look. In addition, it is the perfect option for those who want a quick and easy hairstyle.

chain braid
chain braid

spiral braid

The spiral braid, on the other hand, is an even more different model of hair braiding, perfect for daring women who enjoy authentic and creative looks. Its main feature is the built-in braids that form a spiral around the entire head.

18 Spiral lock
spiral braid

They can be made close to the scalp or wider, providing unique looks and with different purposes. It is worth remembering that this type of braid is difficult to do and requires a lot of skill and technique, so look for professionals whenever possible.

spiral braid
spiral braid

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Article written by Daniela Cordeiro

Fashion enthusiast and style writer. I developed my passion for style and self-expression at an early age. So I decided to share my knowledge on these subjects with a keen eye for the main trends. I decided to unite in the same blog the topics that I love the most: fashion, beauty, recipes, cool places to walk around and eat different things! Welcome to my world, this is dani drops!

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