20+ Best Looks with Tennis for You Who Tired of Salto Alto

Hello!!! Who has never wanted to get out of the jump to wear a looks with sneakers? If there's one thing every woman must agree with me, it's that standing in high heels for a whole day is not easy.

Lucky for us, today, for those who want to be more comfortable and especially comfortable and today there is a strong tendency to use looks with sneakers, option is not lacking, so your creativity is the limit.

Today I'm going to bring some inspirations from looks with sneakers for you to have a great reference and put together a comfortable and very stylish street style look to go to work or enjoy a weekend.

Read too: Women's Tennis Trend. See more than 80 models of women's sneakers that are in fashion

Whether for work or weekend, the looks with sneakers are a great option for those looking for comfort

For those who want a more casual look, this Dress + Sneakers + Bag option is a good option, comfortable and beautiful, you can't go wrong!!!

Adidas sneakers / Elena Ghisellini bag / Rayban sunglasses
Adidas sneakers / Elena Ghisellini bag / Rayban sunglasses
looks with sneakers
looks with sneakers
looks with sneakers
looks with sneakers

use a look with sneakers with a skirt makes you look super relaxed, if you have a lot of personality, you won't be afraid that you will only receive praise.

looks with sneakers
looks with sneakers
skirt with sneakers
skirt with sneakers
looks with sneakers
looks with sneakers
dress with sneakers
dress with sneakers
looks with sneakers
looks with sneakers
looks with sneakers
looks with sneakers
looks with sneakers
looks with sneakers

If you liked the article, leave your comment and don't forget to check out the article I wrote about Looks with Short Jeans. Kisses

NOTE - If you found any photos that do not have the appropriate credits, please get in touch so that we can add the necessary credits.

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Article written by Daniela Cordeiro

Fashion enthusiast and style writer. I developed my passion for style and self-expression at an early age. So I decided to share my knowledge on these subjects with a keen eye for the main trends. I decided to unite in the same blog the topics that I love the most: fashion, beauty, recipes, cool places to walk around and eat different things! Welcome to my world, this is dani drops!

This Article Has 5 Comments
  1. Paul Reply

    Very interesting, I almost accidentally found this blog and the article here, I really liked what I read here… Thank you!

  2. Ingrid Bensoon Reply

    I LOVED THIS BEIGE DRESS, of White … I don't know the color .. which brand, store, price? I LOVED it super I WANT!!!

    • Daniela Cordeiro Reply

      olaa Ingrid, por enquanto ainda não estou vendendo. As roupas ilustradas nas matérias são de revistas e sites de moda. Mas estou vendo fornecedores bons para logo mais vender aqui no blog! continue acompanhando que logo mais teremos novidades 🙂

  3. fabian Reply

    I just loved it and I'm already adhering to tennis with tudooooo!!! Success Dani!

    • Daniela Cordeiro Reply

      só quem passa o dia no salto sem poder perder a linha sabe amiga o que é colocar um tênis no fim de semana, é como andar nas nuvens 🙂

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